Matt Heelan is based in Mackay where he practices in the criminal, personal injury and the coronial law jurisdictions.

Matt began his career as a police prosecutor in 2011, and then became a criminal law solicitor. After joining the Bar in 2017 his practice included crime, personal injury, and domestic violence hearings. He has also presided sessionally and full-time as a President Delegate (senior) Member for the Queensland Mental Health Review Tribunal. He continues to preside as a sessional senior Member in addition to his current practice.

Matt accepts both legally aided and private matters in all criminal, personal injury and coronial matters.


E [email protected]
M 0400 749 063

Matt is a regional member of Brisbane Chambers. He primarily practices in Mackay and the Whitsunday region. Contact Matt directly regarding travel to Brisbane, Toowoomba, Rockhampton, Townsville, and Cairns.

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