Graham Carter specialises in native title and heritage, commercial law and property law. He is a nationally accredited mediator.
He was called to the Bar in 2016, after practising as a solicitor since 1997, including in community, government and private sector roles.
Graham has extensive experience in relation to engagement with Indigenous communities, commercial negotiations and dispute resolution. He has worked on a number of Australia’s most significant native title claims and Indigenous land use agreements, including:
Since 2004, he has provided training in cross-cultural engagement to hundreds of public, private and community sector trainees, in association with Clayton Utz. He is a regular guest lecturer for The University of Queensland’s undergraduate and post-graduate native title courses. He has also served as a native title legal and policy adviser to the former Victorian Attorney-General, Hon. Rob Hulls, MP, Department of Justice.
Graham is a member of LawRight. He is a former Chair of the Board of Directors, Fitzroy Legal Service and member of the Queensland Resources Council (Indigenous Affairs Committee).
E [email protected]
T 07 3181 5693
M 0411 898 737
F 07 3102 6221
Graham has advised on the establishment of more than 100 native title and heritage agreements between industry, government and Indigenous communities, in relation to projects with a combined value of more than $20 billion.
Notable cases include:
Kemppi v Adani Mining Pty Ltd (No 3) [2018] FCA 40; 355 ALR 553
Akiba on behalf of the Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim v State of Queensland [2018] FCA 772
Juru Enterprises Ltd v Adani Australia Company Pty Ltd [2018] FCA 870
Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations v Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC ICN 3712 [QC16100631]
Burragubba v State of Queensland [2017] FCAFC 133; 254 FCR 175
McGlade v Native Title Registrar [2017] FCAFC 10; 251 FCR 172
Burragubba & Anor v Minister for Natural Resources and Mines & Anor [2016] QSC 273; 222 LGERA 13
Collins on behalf of the Wongkumara People v Harris on behalf of the Palpamudramudra Yandrawandra People [2016] FCA 527
Burragubba v State of Queensland [2016] FCA 984; 151 ALD 471
Adani Mining Pty Ltd and Another v Adrian Burragubba, Patrick Malone and Irene White on behalf of the Wangan and Jagalingou People [2015] NNTTA 16